Eat Baked Potatoes for Weight Loss!
Eating baked potatoes is the newest thing in weight loss (provided you do not load it with sour cream, cheese, and bacon!). How is this possible, especially with all the negative things we hear about carbs? It’s really a matter of biochemistry…
First of all, potatoes are loaded with nutrients like vitamin C. vitamin B6, copper, potassium, manganese, tryptophan, and lots of fiber. Plus, they may be carcinogenic, since they help produce butyrate (a fatty acid that may have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, which is also beneficial for people with celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease). One plain potato is only 132 calories. You can see how beneficial they are, but here’s their weight-losing secret…
- They are a “starch-resistant” food. That means it escapes digestion. While some carbs, such as sugars and most starch, are rapidly digested absorbed into the small intestine where they are used for short-term energy needs. So your appetite is satisfied but you don’t absorb those nasty weight-producing carbs.
- Resistant starch helps burn fat and may lead to lower fat accumulation.
- It also changed the sequence in which the body burns food – with fat burning being placed at the top of the list relative to carbohydrates and protein. These findings suggest a possible metabolic effect of resistant starch that may impact body weight.