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                 "HOLLYWOOD MOMS"

              Their names & faces are emblazoned
              across marquees and magazines
              everywhere & yet the famous women
              featured in HOLLYWOOD MOMS

              (Photos by Joyce Ostin, Introduction by
              Carrie Fisher,  published by                                            Photographer Joyce Ostin
              Harry N. Abrams),  are not mere icons.                         lives in Los Angeles with
              They are flesh and  blood,                                               her husband, 
              heart and soul, and mothers and                                    DreamWorks Records
              daughters. This remarkable                                            Executive, Michael Ostin,
              collection of  photographs                                               & their three daughters.
              and commentary offers heartwarming,                                     
              candid portraits of the entertainment                                           
              industry's most acclaimed  actresses,                                        Carrie Fisher
              directors, producers, and  performers,                                       (wrote the intro-
              each one posing with her  mother or                                         duction has starred in
              daughter with their quotes on the                                             numerous motion 
              universal theme of motherhood.                                            pictures (Star Wars
                                                                                              series & Blues Brothers),  and is                                                                                               the author of Postcards from the
              Joyce Ostin's intimate photographs,                  the Edge & Surrender the Pink.
              capturing the celebrities at home with                
              their loved ones, are a testament to the             She lives in LA with her daughter, 
              wonder and power of the   mother-                     Billie.
              daughter bond.  A breast cancer                        
              survivor, Ostin created this book as                   Her mother is Film Star Legend
              a gift of hope and inspiration to                                                   Debbie Reynolds.
              women everywhere.                                            
              Joyce Ostin is donating 100%
              of her proceeds from the sale
              of this book to breast and
              ovarian cancer research.           






The Goodness of Family

                                       At age 13, when my grandmother left Poland
                                       during the war, she waved goodbye to her Mother,
                                       knowing she would never see her again.

                                        Great Grandma was willing to send her daughter to the
                                        far-off land of America in hopes of a better life.

                                        That's called 'tough love'.









                                           Pat Riley & Mom Helen

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