Dear Friends, 

The stars shine brightly at Clientele, no matter what the time of year. Whether in the limelight as the lovely Thalians who grace our pages, or among family, friends and coworkers, we celebrate being alive… being healthy & beautiful at any age.

Recently I was privileged to receive the “Rising Star” Award from QVC who selected Clientele out of 6,000 vendors as the “best” of 2003-2004. This is so very gratifying, but I could never have done it alone. In this issue, meet the other stars, those who shine so brightly in my Constellation, the wonderful Clientele Team in our Laboratory, Production, Shipping, Executive Offices and Customer Service and my family (pictured to the right… Mom, Dad, brother Jim & I as kids and now with his wife and adorable children). Mom and Dad (age 83 & 86) enjoy our skincare and our nutritional formulas and like so many of our “clientele” look and feel “younger” than their age. That has been my mission since the start in 1979… to work with dedicated doctors and scientists to bring you the latest discoveries that will help you maintain optimum health and beauty. That’s why nothing is more gratifying than to hear from you with your comments, stories and suggestions.
Now more than ever, I wish you the best of health & the greatest of happiness.

Warmest Regards,

Patricia Riley
Founder & CEO

P.S. To receive more information or to inquire about a Nordstrom store near you or for fastest service, call Clientele Direct or order from our web.


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