Clientele Profile

Glenda Lynn Laser
V.P. Laser Exploration

Now is the time to express the Joy of New Beginnings. New Opportunities. New Goals. Giving of yourself to others & to yourself, too!

Taking the time to help those around you, means more obligations, more stress, and more demands on your life and body. Balancing it all while staying healthy and beautiful is both an art and a science. We leave the art to you, and we take care of the science... with state-of-the-art health and beauty therapies to maximize your total wellness.

Clientele’s unique skin care and anti-aging formulas are designed to keep you beautiful and healthy from the inside-out. Each encompasses the worldwide research of leading Doctors, Plastic Surgeons and Dermatologists, using only the finest ingredients & the latest technology. You’ll read about them here in the Clientele Woman Magazine.

In this Issue, you will meet Carol Connors, alias "CC". Talented, vivacious and beautiful, her music and lyrics are timeless and will forever touch our hearts. Another, you will meet is Glenda Laser, who looks like a Hollywood model and was selected this issue to share her Clientele success story with us.

We invite you to share your Story with us and our readers. It’s always a pleasure to hear from you. Any comments, suggestions and stories are always welcome. Stay Healthy and Beautiful.

Patricia Riley

President & Founder

It's been three years since I've been using Clientele products & what an amazing difference it has made in my life! Not only the skin care products, but the vitamins have changed my attitude. I especially love the Clientele Daily Nutrients with antioxidants. They have made me feel younger, given me more confidence in myself, & a vitality I did not have before using Clientele.

When attending social events someone always asks me, "What do you do to make yourself look so young?" This is a very flattering comment, as my age is sixty-seven. I am very quick to give Clientele credit for the change in my healthy skin & healthy body.

I must add that I am thrilled to see that the new Nordstrom in Boca Raton is carrying Clientele. A short trip for me to stock up on my favorite Clientele products.


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