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HGH: The Master Hormone 

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a peptide hormone produced by the pituitary gland.  This natural, life-sustaining protein circulates throughout your body, keeping your cells young and vibrant.  It acts like a symphony conductor, orchestrating the interaction of millions of cells.  HGH is responsible for maintaining health, metabolic harmony, growth, healing, and repair.  

Unfortunately, as you age, your body secretes less of this vital factor. Without HGH, protein cannot get into the cells properly.  Organs shrink.  Skin sags.  Bones become fragile.  Heart function declines.  Energy levels diminish.  Even the ‘grouchy’ depressed attitude of some old folks may be caused by a lack of HGH.  The decline of HGH with age is associated with many of the symptoms of aging:

  • Wrinkles

  • Gray hair

  • Decreased energy

  • Sexual dysfunction

  • Increased body fat

  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis

  • Loss of muscle mass and tone

  • Shrinking of organs (brain, kidneys, heart)

Nu-Med has HGH releasers.

Scientists now know that your body continues to produce HGH into old age; the problem is that your pituitary gland does not release it into your system as easily.  By the time your reach age 60, you could have less than half of the circulating HGH level you had in your 20’s. 

They Felt Years Younger! 

Over 15 years ago, scientists asked the question, “What effects would restoring HGH to more youthful levels have in older persons?” 

In 1985, that question was answered in a landmark clinical study.  Dr. Daniel Rudman, at the University of Wisconsin, studied 26 men between the ages of 61 and 81.  To increase their body’s levels of HGH, Dr. Rudman gave them injections of Growth Hormone.  Results were so astonishing; they were published in The New England Journal of Medicine

The men reported remarkable benefits.  It was as if they had recaptured their youth.  Their body fat decreased.  Muscle tone was restored.  Energy and sexual vigor improved.  Even wrinkles were less evident as skin firmness improved.   Dr. Rudman summarized the study by saying that the changes he witnessed from HGH replacement were equivalent to reversing the aging process by 10-20 years. 

Results Show Dramatic Improvements with HGH!


Endurance & Body Composition

Increase in overall energy


Increase in exercise endurance


Fat reduction


Increase in Muscle Mass


Mental Function

Greater emotional stability


Memory improvement


Healing & Immunity

Improved healing of injuries


Back and joint flexibility



Hair & Skin

Improved skin elasticity


Improved skin texture


Disappearance of wrinkles


Improved hair growth


Individual results vary.  The above chart shows the percent of patients reporting improvement after being administered Human Grown Hormone by Dr. Edmund Chein at the Medical College of Wisconsin and Palm Springs Life Extension Institute.  Although Dr. Chein’s HGH therapy was administered by injection, men and women have reported similar types of benefits after taking Nu-SPRING.

HGH – The Key to a Strong, Firm Body 

Much of what we blame on aging is believed to be the effects of a lack of HGH.  Scientists coined the phrase “somotopause” (similar to menopause – the lack of estrogen) to signify the decline of HGH.   Inadequate HGH causes much of the physical deterioration that takes us from the lean muscular physique of youth, to the often flabby, frail body of old age. 

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